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Royal Thai Army TV 5

This is a personal hobby website located in Austria/Europe!
This is NOT the official website of Royal Thai Army TV 5 and NOT the website of any DTH provider!

Please do not write any programme questions, complaints, suggestions and job applications which you intend to send to Royal Thai Army TV 5!

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Royal Thai Army TV 5Royal Thai Army TV 5

The copyright of all here used images belong to the channel itself and other copyright holders. The images on this site are only displayed for informational purposes ("What can i receive on which satellite?", "Which channels are broadcasted in c-band?", ...) and are not copyrighted by the webmaster.
If these materials are used here without agreement please contact the webmaster as soon as possible via the contact form. The material in question will be removed (after checking) as fast as possible.

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last modified: 06 Oct 2005 15:39